Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Online classes: The Why's and the Problems

In these days, most of the students are now involved in online schooling. Yet, some of the students, even the writer of this blog himself was struggling with it. But there are also ways of coping with these struggles. In this article, I will enumerate some of the ways on how to cope up with online schooling.

Why online schooling?

Many students are used to face-to-face schooling. However, in the first months of the year 2020, there was a contagious virus that spreads throughout the world quite fast, in which everybody was forced to stay at their houses all day long to prevent being infected. This is the reason why many businesses closed and even schools are now empty of students.  In this time, we are now at the age where we can connect to people in distance without going to their place personally. All thanks to the internet, we are now connected. Also, because of the internet, some of the businesses were opened. Also in schools, they now use the internet to connect to each other, at least virtually. All the schools are having no choice but to continue their system online through the internet making online schooling mandatory.

Home Study: Online schooling vs Homeschooling

Online schooling can also be related to homeschooling.  This is because studying and schooling both take place at home. However, there are differences between homeschooling and online schooling. 

Homeschooling is usually done by parents, which means, you don't have to enrol at schools since your parents themselves will provide the education for you.  Your parents will manage what you need to learn, they have control of how many topics and subjects you need to study. The parents also will keep an eye when everything is too much for their children. They are also in charge of scheduling the time for study and family bonding according to their will. 

On the other hand,  online schooling is when you are enrolled in a school but you are studying at home. Here, it is not the parents that have a control on your studies, but the teachers in school.  They have to teach the students based on the system their superiors have provided. Their schedules do not always go according to the plans of the family of the students. 

Because of this, it is expected that problems may occur in online classes and the student will struggle on how to cope up with these problems. 

The technology upgrades but not the system.

The school keeps on upgrading their technology to provide the needs of the student, especially for the online classes. These are online learning platforms for student and technologies like computers. However, it is also proven that the school system we are using does not really upgrade but still uses an old-fashioned way of educating students. This is the reason why students are usually pressured on heavy loads of subjects and topics to study, a lot of assignments, and pressured on getting a high grade until they burst. Students are more pressured than before because of the upgrading of digital technologies like smartphones and computers, making them more immersive with it for their leisure time. Therefore, like technology upgrades, the school system must also upgrade. 

Few countries tried to upgrade their old fashioned school system. Let's take Finland as an example. It is declared that Finland has the best educational system in the world. They planned to get rid of a lot of major subjects and decided to educate their students more with the needed subjects (reading, writing, arithmetic) and some subject depending on what they want to be when they grow up. In the Philippines, there's what we called "Alternative Learning System" which is reserved for people with disabilities and dropouts from the basic education system. Here, the student can decide on his schedule and it is done at community centres instead of schools. It is also self-instructional and not textbook-based. 

Most countries and schools still followed the old school system. So, there will still be a lot of major problems that the student may encounter.  It is better when these problems are told out loud instead of hiding it. 

What to do when problems arrive?

There are a lot of problems that the student will encounter in online classes. I am going to mention some of these problems and I will try my best to provide a bit of advice in coping up with them.

When you are at home, it is possible that your parents will give you some chores or commands to do, and you have to obey them. The problem is that when you are being commanded while you are still in online classes. Of course, it will bother your concentration in classes. In these instances, my advice is that you have to tell your parents about your class schedule. You should tell them that they must not bother you on these class hours to concentrate at your classes. Also, another option is to do online schooling under the supervision of your parents so that they will always know that you are still in your classes and you must not be bothered.

Some of the teachers are still on their meanest character when they are dealing with students. These cases cause pressure to their students as if they are embarrassed by their teachers in their houses. For example, if the project was late, it will not be accepted. When this teacher was at this kind of behaviour, you have to inform your parents immediately. After you informed them about this teacher, you have to do online classes with that specific teacher under the supervision of your parent. It is also advisable to record the moment when the teacher is mean with your camera or with the app on your laptop and tell it to your parents and your principal. I'm sure that your parents will take an action on the teacher's misbehaviour to prevent it to go further. 

If your internet connectivity is not going well, you have to inform your parents as well. It is very important to manage your internet usage, especially when your internet connectivity is relying only on data. If that is the case, you have to reserve your internet usage only for online classes.  This is because surfing the internet consumes a lot of your data. It is best to use your internet data wisely. 

There are also cases wherein the laptop or the computer of the student does not work properly and it has major issues with it. So, my advice is that before the online classes, you have to inform your parents about the computer. Tell them to check it whether it has issues or not. Also, if your computer is just provided by the government or just an affordable one, you have to use the computer only for online classes. Games in these kinds of computer are discouraged and leisure time is also not recommended. When your computer shuts down unexpectedly very often, you have to save your works in your computer every 5 minutes of your progress and if possible, modify the auto-recovery settings on your app and make it 5 minutes to auto-save the work.

For you to be alright in some kind of projects, you have to tell the teacher your available materials for the project. Tell him what is lacking and the teacher may make considerations. Afterwards, tell your parents about what is needed for the project and they will provide them for you accordingly. Teachers should also be very considerate in these times. Because of the pandemic, all access to the outside world is very limited, so the provision of project materials will also be very limited. This must also be considered. 


These are some of the major problems that most students face in online classes. There will be more problems to mention. So the comment section will be opened on stating your other problems, it will be addressed well on this article and be updated from time to time.

Please state your concerns in the comment section below........

Online Classes: Some Tips on How to Use The Internet for Online Classes.

In these days, most of the students are now involved in online schooling. Yet, some of the students, even the writer of this blog himself was struggling with it. But there are also ways of coping with these struggles. In this article, I will enumerate some of the ways on how to cope up with online schooling.

The Internet

The internet is the main key to online classes. The Internet is the network that connects the computer from one place to another. Today, the world revolves around the internet and the internet became an integral part of our lives. People living in an urban area can't live without the internet. Because of the Internet, we know a lot of information more than a 20-volume encyclopaedia can provide. And because of the internet, we can connect from to people from one place to another even though we are staying indoors due to the pandemic.  Most schools are now going online even before the pandemic and as a result, students around the world can now study in a school from certain places.

However, some people have issues in connectivity on the internet. There are cases when sudden disconnection occur and people do not have enough money to reconnect to the internet. These instances can affect the student's progress and performance in online schooling. So here are some tips on how to use the internet for online classes.

1. Know your internet connectivity.

Before you engage in online schooling, you have to know your internet connectivity first. Know how your house is connected to the internet, its speed and its issues. If your house has a Wi-Fi router or a modem, then you can engage in the online class. Check also the internet speed, if it is slow, then there will be restrictions to make on using the internet. If your internet connectivity is relying on data (meaning no modem, no Wi-Fi whatsoever) and your parents can not afford it regularly, then you have to go on studying manually through modules. Online classes require stable connectivity and a reliable internet speed to avoid or minimize the issues that can occur during online classes. 

2. If you are using mobile data, use it only for online classes.

If you are only using data, then there may be a need for having modules or books for studying. Having virtual meetings in either Zoom or Skype can consume most of your data, so, it is not recommended. Surfing the internet may also consume your data, that is why you should refrain from using the internet for leisure purposes.

3. Cheating is up to you, but know when to stop.

One of the main advantages and also a disadvantage of online schooling is that you can cheat in some online quizzes.  This is because the host cannot see the whole surrounding of your video. He also cannot see that you are searching for answers on the web or in the previous lectures. Therefore, cheating is up to the student. However, you must know when to stop since this is a bad habit.

For example, there is a quiz on writing a short essay. The teacher said that you can open your notes on answering it which means that you can surf the internet for help. If you copy the whole paragraph of the text that you found from the internet and pasted it on your activity, that is plagiarism and nowadays, plagiarism can be detected. So it is still best to make your own essay and use the internet only as an aid.

Searching the answers on your online reviewer or in Google by finding the words is some kind of cheating as well. But do you know how to answer the question the teacher gave to you which is not in your reviewer? This means that you only find the answers on your reviewer but you did not study at all. 

These tips do not tell you to stop searching answers on your reviewer or on Google while taking an exam. But it is advisable to know your limit/boundaries and know when it is already too much as it can lead you to a lot of trouble. Don't just look the answers, study them as well.

4. Balance leisure and school time on the internet

Nowadays, the internet is life. You can do anything you want there. If your internet connectivity is well-working with convenience, then you can do anything. However, as students, you have to balance your leisure time and your time for school. I advise using the morning and afternoon for online schooling while the evening for leisure time. 


The internet makes our lives and knowledge more advanced. But along the way, some traps may affect us badly. So when you use the internet, you have to know your limits. When there are things that are inappropriate to you, don't explore it. Remember, the main reason why the internet is here is to help us in living our lives. Internet helps but can't work for you without you moving. It is also alright to surf the internet for long but do not let yourself be addicted to it. Internet is there to relax you, but appreciate the nature still. It will relax you more than the internet. So, USE THE INTERNET WISELY.

If you have further questions to discuss, please comment it on the comment section below.

Online Classes: Some Tips on Taking Care of your Laptop For Online Classes

In these days, most of the students are now involved in online schooling. Yet, some of the students, even the writer of this blog himself was struggling with it. But there are also ways of coping with these struggles. In this article, I will enumerate some of the ways on how to cope with online schooling.



The laptop is the hardware that is mostly used next to the desktop computer. Compared to the desktop, the laptop is portable and it can be taken everywhere. Laptops' performance can be varied and may affect the flow of online class when using it. So here are some of the tips on how to keep your laptop well-working in every online class.

1. Know your laptop 

The very first thing to do is to know your laptop. Know its specs. It's very important because it will help you to prepare when an unexpected issue on your laptop occurs. Affordable laptops have 2 to 4 GB RAM, so, if you use this kind of laptop, then use it just for school or office work, because these kinds of laptops are not made for gaming purposes. If your laptop is at least 8 GB RAM or above, then you can play games on it. Also, if you use a 4 GB laptop, restrain yourself from downloading some programs that are not related to online schooling. All these will be discussed on the next tip. 

Usually, 4 Operating Systems are used for laptops. The one that is mostly used is Windows in which everyone is familiar with this OS. Second to Windows is Mac OS which is the parent of iOS, while the third is Chrome OS which is the desktop version of Android OS. And the last but the most complex yet an open-source OS was Linux. 

2. If you have 2GB to 4GB RAM Laptop, use it only for online schooling

There are cases that these days, your parents will have no choice but to buy you a laptop according to their budget. And there are also cases that the government provides them.  If that's the case, then do not claim these laptops as your own while you are doing online schooling. When this laptop is government-owned, there will be a time when you need to return it. Refrain from using the laptop for a variety of leisure time, like games and surfing wild sites on the internet. Also, refrain from downloading or installing cracked software from websites that you're unsure of its legibility. There are chances that these programs have viruses or malware that may damage the performance of your laptop. Chrome OS Laptops can install an app that will control the students' use of laptop. If your laptop has Windows OS, better use your laptop under the supervision of your parents. 

3. Know the basics on how to use your laptop.

Knowing the basics of using a computer, especially a laptop, is now a part of the curriculum/subject in school and was taught starting in the first year of primary school. However, if you still haven't figure out how to use it, it is better to ask your parents for help. Don't attempt to curiously do some things that are not familiar to a computer newbie or things that haven't been taught to you yet. 

4. Install only the programs that are needed for online classes.

If you are using an affordable or government-provided laptop, you should install only the programs that are really needed for online classes. These were programs like MS Office, MS Teams, Chrome browser and the like. These programs are to be discussed in later topics. Do not install programs that are not related to online schoolings like games and stuff like that as well as programs that are downloaded from unknown websites. They may contain viruses or malware that may damage the performance of the laptop. If you are using Chrome OS, install an app that can control your time on using the PC and can restrict you from installing unrelated programs. 

5. Use your laptop under the guidance of your parents. 

The best thing to do to keep your laptop secure and properly working is to use it under the supervision and guidance of your parents. They can manage your time using the laptop. Let your parents keep your laptop when you have no assignments to do. Also, when your parent set rules on when and how to use your laptop that is provided, obey them. 

6. Clean your laptop regularly.

Clean both hardware and software of your laptop.  You can clean the hardware of your laptop by removing the dust all over it by wiping it with a clean cloth. For the software, storing so many files can affect the performance of the laptop, so, you have to clean it at least once in a quarter.  When the school quarter ends or after the exam, inspect the files in your laptop. Delete those files that you no longer need and empty the recycle bin of your laptop. Also, transfer some of your laptop files to a flash drive or an external USB. However, to avoid viruses, you have to use the flash drive exclusively for your laptop, and refrain from using it in other laptops. 


Although the laptop is more powerful than the mobile tablets and phones, it is more complicated to use than the latter. This is also the reason why the laptop is quite more expensive. For this reason, you have to be crucial in using it to keep the laptop properly working for online classes. It is also better to ask your parents for help in using your laptop.

If you have further questions to discuss, please comment it on the comment section below.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Colour Psychology - Artsy Lad and his Friend The Bad Girl


I applied this activity with a collaboration with my friend. Here is the artsy lad with colourful clothes stained with colours. Also a bad girl with her fitting colour which is black. I made this one artwork because these two, even though have different personalities they are still friends.